A most astounding True Story of Modern Times! Here you will thrill to the Amazing History of a young girl, unable to write a sentence or walk out the door unsupported, yet destined to travel across continents and write more than most have ever written!





The writings of Ellen White contain a treasure house of scientific insights, and leading researchers are discovering it. This includes the fields of health, nutrition, medicine, narcotics, hypnosis, physiology, plant science and geology.

The late Clive McCay, Ph.D., professor of nutrition at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, discovered her health writings quite by accident, and was astounded by them.

Here is one of his statements:

"In 1915 at the ripe age of 88 died one of the most remarkable women that America has produced. Her name was Ellen G. White. Although she had only a few months of formal schooling when a child, her list of books even today numbers about 60. Some of these are books about her or compilations from her lectures . . The writings of Ellen G. White . . provide a guide to nutrition that comprehends the whole body. Much of this wisdom of the past is not understood today. . Ellen White died before modern biochemistry. . and the composition of foods [was understood] ,—but if people followed her plan even today they would be far better fed than they are in their attempts to eat bad diets and then compensate by miracle foods. She advocated simple, natural diets, low in fat, low in salt, well prepared and modest in amount. Gradually she became a vegetarian,. . [and] taught the importance of good food for health and the essentiality of a healthy body if we are to have a good soul" Clive M. McCay, in a lecture before a large assembly in Memphis, Tennessee, March, 1958.

Clive McCay was not particularly religious as far as we know, nor a member of any church body, but, he was an expert in his field, and as such was fascinated to know how Ellen White had acquired such advanced nutritional knowledge, which others in her time generally lacked.

"We stayed overnight at Dr. McCay's home. . We soon discovered to our delight that though he was a specialist in the field of nutrition, his active interest and reading extended over a remarkable range. More than once during the evening he returned to the question: 'How do you explain the fact that Mrs. White, with very little formal education and no special training in nutrition, so accurately set forth nutrition principles that are only now scientifically established?' He ruled out as wholly unsatisfactory the answer sometimes casually given: 'Mrs. White simply borrowed her ideas from others.' He observed that such an answer simply raises another question: 'How would Mrs. White know which ideas to borrow and which to reject out of the bewildering array of theories and health teachings current in the nineteenth century?' Dr. McCay did not attempt to answer such questions. As a scientist he was interested in the phenomenon of her singular knowledge in advance of scientific discovery and experiment." "Explanatory Note" to a series of three articles by C. M. McCay in "Review and Herald," February 12,19,26, 1959.

"To sum up the discussion: Every modern specialist in nutrition whose life is dedicated to human welfare must be impressed in four respects by the writings and leadership of Ellen G. White:

”In the first place, her basic concepts about the relation between diet and health have been verified to an unusual degree by scientific advances of the past decades. Someone may attempt to explain this remarkable fact by saying: 'Mrs. White simply borrowed her ideas from others.' But how would she know which ideas to borrow and which to reject out of the bewildering array of theories and health teachings current in the nineteenth century? She would have had to be a most amazing person, with knowledge beyond her times, in order to do this successfully!

"In the second place, everyone who attempts to teach nutrition can hardly conceive of a leadership such as that of Mrs. White that was able to induce a substantial number of people to improve their diets.

"In the third place, one can only speculate about the large number of sufferers during the past century who could have had improved health if they had accepted the teachings of Mrs. White.

"Finally, one can wonder how to make her teachings more widely known in order to benefit the overcrowded earth that seems inevitable tomorrow with the present rate of increase of the world's population. .

"In spite of the fact that the works of Mrs. White were written long before the advent of modern scientific nutrition, no better over-all guide is available today." Clive M. McCay, in Review and Herald, February 26, 1969.

Ellen White lived in a time of abysmal ignorance of healthful living, nutrition, and medicine. The two great interests in her time were bleeding sick patients to death in order to make them well, and poisoning them to death with extracts made from toxic plants or poisonous minerals. Dr. Gallup led the fight for bleeding people to death, and Dr. Tully stood in the forefront of the crusade for poisoning them to death. Those were times that could kill strong men such as George Washington. He awoke one morning with a simple streptococcal infection in his throat. First, one man drained a cup of blood from his veins, "to get him well." Then Dr. Craik, his personal physician arrived and declared the illness to be ”inflammatory quinsy" and bled him again. By now it was afternoon and two more physicians came and again Washington was bled. Between bleedings and poisonous doses of calomel, he finally pled, late in the afternoon, to be let alone to die in peace. At 10 p.m. that night he passed away.

During her lifetime, Ellen White wrote, not only in the field of nutrition, but also in the science of medicine and the recovery of the ill.

"The Spirit of Prophecy [the writings of Ellen G. White] is medically up to date. Before starting medicine I was well acquainted with the health ideas found in the writings of Mrs. E.G. White. Since finishing medical school I have been in practice for nineteen years. I have not had to change one medical idea that I have gotten from the writings of Mrs. E.G. White, but all my medical books have had to be replaced with up-to-date versions based on more modern medical research. . The books "Counsels on Diet and Foods," "Counsels on Health," "The Ministry of Healing," "Medical Ministry," and "Temperance" are as current as ever. As medical science advances, I find these guides do not become outdated, but are still ahead of modern medical research on many health subjects.

"When medical science disagrees with the Spirit of Prophecy, given a little more time, medical research comes to the same conclusions.. This has happened a number of times in the past nineteen years. Considerable research of the medical literature shows that today the majority of the health principles and information given by Mrs. White have scientific backing.

"I am confident that the health information of the Spirit of Prophecy that is yet unproved can be accepted by faith with no danger that such faith will have been misplaced when scientific corroboration becomes evident." Statement by Jackson A. Saxon, Washington D.C. area physician.

Paul Harvey, the noted syndicated writer and news reporter, has spoken a number of times about the amazing predictions and scientific insights of Ellen White. Here is one of his statements:

"Once upon a time, a hundred years ago, there lived a young lady named Ellen White. She was frail as a child, completed only grammar school, [actually, only three grades of education], had no technical training, and yet she lived to write scores of articles and many book’s on the subject of healthful living..

"Perhaps we should reread what she has taught: 'The oil, as eaten in the olive, is far preferable to animal oil or fat.' Today we know about cholesterol. She knew: 'Fine flour white bread is lacking in nutritive elements to be found in bread made from whole wheat. . She wrote: 'Do not eat largely of salt.' Now we know we should keep the sodium intake low. We have come to accept the wisdom of such advice so completely that it is difficult for us to realize how revolutionary her theories were almost a century ago. . She urged: 'Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise.' She wrote: 'Tobacco is a slow, insidious, but most malignant poison. It is all the more dangerous because its effects are slow and at first hardly perceptible.' Ellen White was indeed ahead of her time. Are there additional recommendations, which this remarkable woman urged upon us, which we have, so far, ignored? Speaking about the times in which she lived, Paul Harvey adds: "Remember, this was in the days when doctors were still blood­letting and performing surgery with unwashed hands. This was in an era, of medical ignorance bordering on barbarism." Paul Harvey, in Reading, Pennsylvania, Times, August 11, 1960, reprinted in "Today's Health in 1960."

Drs. Calvin and Agatha Thrash, a husband and wife pathology team, happened upon the writings of Ellen White while Agatha was teaching in the University of Georgia School of Medicine. Both had been atheists, but their study of Ellen White's writings led them to the Bible and to Christ. Their scientific training well qualified them to evaluate the health and medical validity of Ellen White's writings.

"Calvin nor I had ever believed in anything of a supernatural nature, feeling that anything that is unexplained would eventually be explained on the basis of natural phenomena. How carefully we scrutinized the matter of divine inspiration of Mrs. White. In every field in which Calvin or I had sufficient competence to tell that we would make adequate judges of the material which she wrote, we made careful examination.

"In the fields of health and nutrition we have come to recognize that there is not, even in the present day, anything that approaches the scientific accuracy of the body of information which she has set down as guidelines for good health and good nutrition. When one considers the superstition, ignorance, error, and inattention to obvious health rules of that day, it is all the more remarkable that every single item which Mrs. White wrote in the fields of nutrition and health are consistently supported by the newest scientific information."—Statement by Agatha Thrash, M.D., Seale, Alabama:

"Among writers of the past century. . those who are concerned with the betterment of human health must pay tribute to the writings of Ellen G, White because she understood the importance of the selection of proper foods and the relation of the test of the regime of living to proper nutrition and sound health. These notes have been prepared by a bio­chemist who specializes in nutrition in the hopes that others may gain a broader appreciation of the genius of this pioneer nutritionist, Ellen G. White. Whatever may be the religious belief of a reader, he or she cannot help but gain much guidance in a better and healthier way of life from reading the major works of Ellen G. White." From the university nutrition class lecture notes of Dr. Clive McCay, April 9.1958.

 It all began in the early summer of 1863. On the evening of June 6, Ellen arrived in a carriage at a humble pioneer cabin on the outskirts of Otsego, Michigan, the home of Aaron Hilliard and his family. It was planned that the next morning she would speak at meetings in Otsego. After supper, as twilight neared, all knelt in prayer, to begin family worship,—when Ellen was taken off in vision.

It only lasted forty-five minutes, yet it was destined to change the lives of thousands, for during that time Ellen received the basis of her knowledge of health, hygiene, nutrition, and medications. All of her writings in these fields stem from this basic vision, given in the year that Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation..

"God is the author of science. Scientific research opens to the mind vast fields of thought and information, enabling us to see God in His created works. . True science contributes fresh evidences of the wisdom and power of God. Rightly understood, science and the Written Word agree, and each sheds light on the other. Together they lead us to God by teaching us something of the wise and beneficent laws through which He works.” Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students, page 426.

"The Bible is not to be tested by men's ideas of science, but science is to be brought to the test of this unerring standard. When the Bible makes statements of facts in nature, science may be compared with the Written Word, and a correct understanding of both will always prove them to be in harmony. One does not contradict the other." Ellen White, in "Signs of the Times," March 13. 1884.

Here are some of Ellen White's scientific statements, made long before science was to verify them:


Ellen White wrote that we should not eat the blood and the fat of animals (eating either is prohibited in the Bible), because it would "make a diseased current in the blood." 1. And she warned that certain overweight individuals were "liable to acute attacks of disease, and to sudden death," 2. and that part of the problem was due to their eating of flesh foods. 3.

Modern research in the past forty years has unearthed a mass of material on this subject. It is now known that the average level of blood cholesterol raises with any increase in the average daily intake of animal fats." and that "No fat commonly eaten in large amounts causes so much a rise as butter fat." 4.

It is recognized today that the foods most dangerous in this respect are meat, margarine and butter. Yet Ellen White carefully warned against the use of meat and butter 5. (margarine did not exist in her day). "A vegetarian diet can prevent 90 percent of our thrombo-embolic diseases [clots in the veins and arteries] and 97 percent of our coronary occlusions." 6 . And yet these two conditions account for more deaths than all other causes combined in North America, with the exception of the deaths due to legalized abortion. Dr. William B. Kannel, of the National Heart Institute, after studying the blood cholesterol levels of more than 5,000 people, stated that there is no better way to predict future coronary disease—than by determining total serum-cholesterol levels. 7


Back in the days when "prenatal influence" was declared to be old wives' tales,. Ellen White declared that the habits, emotional temperament, morality and diet of the mother would affect her unborn child. 8

"The well-being of the child will be affected by the habits of the mother. Her appetites and passions are to be controlled by principle. . But if the mother unswervingly adheres to right principles, if she is temperate and self-denying, if she is kind, gentle, and unselfish, she may give her child these same precious traits of character;" 9 "If she chooses to eat as she pleases and what she may fancy, irrespective of consequences, she will bear the penalty, but not alone. Her innocent child must suffer because of her indiscretion." 10

Dr. Ashley Montagu, writing in 1954, was one of the first researchers to uncover scientific evidence linking the mother's emotional habits during pregnancy, with the emotional temperament of her child after it is born. "Mothers undergoing periods of severe emotional distress during pregnancy frequently have infants which exhibit evidences of irritable and hyperactive nervous systems. " And he added, "It is largely up to her, and to those surrounding her during her pregnancy, whether her infant will be born a happy, healthy, sweet-tempered individual or an ill adjusted neurotic." 11 Two years later, Drs. Lyon P. Strean and Lyndon A. Peer attributed a hormonal imbalance, triggered by the negative emotions; as the cause of the problem. "The intangible factor of emotional stress suffered by a woman between the eighth and twelfth weeks of pregnancy may be a precipitating factor in causing harelip and cleft-palate defects."

"Strean and. . Peer studied 228 cases of Cleft palate . . During the critical weeks of pregnancy—when the two halves Of the upper jaw normally fuse in the palatal arch—the doctors found that 23 percent had been ill or injured, and no less than 68 percent recalled emotional disturbances. . Strean and Peer reason that severe emotional disturbance of whatever kind, stimulates the adrenal glands to pump out extra hydrocortisone; this checks the formation at connective tissue between the two sides of the palate or may actually dissolve tissue already formed." 12 Leland H. Scott, in 1967, added yet more information to the rapidly growing evidence, linking prenatal influence to emotional or organic damage to the young: "There is growing evidence that chemical irregularities in the mother's blood brought about by endocrine [hormonal] imbalance, dietary deficiencies, or ill health may have serious effects. . [Including] childhood abnormalities, such as rickets, nervous instability, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy." 13 William S. Kroger, gynecologist at the Chicago Medical School did landmark work on this emotion-caused damage and reported it at the A.M.A. Convention in 1953. 14 Bret Ratner M.D. of New York, also linked diet during pregnancy 'to fetal injury 15 More than emotions are thus involved. Dr. Jesse D. Rising of the University of Kansas, after detailed research, reported in 1958 that "a doctor treating a woman during pregnancy with anesthetics, X ray, ACTH or cortisone-type hormones, may subject the fetus to oxygen shortage or some other threat. The result: physicians now face the horrible possibility of responsibility for many developmental defects." 16 Rising considered such defects to include abnormal heart, cleft palate, one eye; Siamese twins, and Mongolism. 17 Thus medicinal drugs taken during pregnancy—can be very dangerous. In further research, Thomas M. Rivers, M.D., cited large doses of alcoholic beverages as yet another cause of child-birth malformations. 18


In 1865, Ellen White commented that "rooms that are not exposed to light and air become damp. . The atmosphere in these rooms is poisonous, because it has not been purified by light and air." 19 "Death ­producing germs abound in dark, neglected corners." 20 The solution given was "perfect cleanliness, plenty of sunlight, careful attention to sanitation' 21 and "thorough ventilation and plenty of sunlight. Let there be a current of air and an abundance of light in every room in the house.” 22.

It was eighty years later that Dr. Lawrence P. Garrod, professor of bacteriology at the University of London performed studies on the effect of light on bacteria in the dust of sickrooms. His surprising disclosure came as a bombshell to the medical world: Dust on the floor near the beds of patients suffering from an infectious disease contained many of the bacteria that produced the disease. And this was also true of the dust under the bed and in every dark place in the room. But an analysis of dust near the window, on the windowsill, and on the window itself contained no disease-producing bacteria. And Dr. Garrod found this to be true even in rooms that never had direct sunlight, due to a northern exposure. Additional research revealed that these facts remained consistent even in winter when less light was available, and it had to penetrate two layers of glass." 23. "It must now be recognized that ordinary diffuse day­light, even on a cloudy day and even in winter in England, can be lethal [deadly] to bacteria, and that glass is no absolute bar to this effect." 24


In the mid 1950s, a concerted effort was made to convince the general public of the great value of medical hypnosis, but within a relatively short time doubts were beginning to arise. In "Psychiatry," for August, 1962, the question was asked in regard to it, "Does the end justify the means?" But Ellen White sounded the warning even more clearly over a century before. Writing about hypnosis to a physician, she said.

"No man or woman should exercise his or her will to control the senses or reason of another, so that the mind of the person is rendered passively subject to the will of the one who is exercising the control. This 'science' may appear to be something beautiful, but it is a science which you are in no case to handle. . There is something better for you to engage in than the control of human nature. No individual should be permitted to take control of another person's mind, thinking that in so doing he is causing him to receive great benefit The mind cure is one of the most dangerous deceptions which can be practiced upon any individual. Temporary relief may be felt, but the mind of the one thus controlled is never again so strong and reliable." 25

It is well-known that an individual who has submitted to hypnosis is more easily hypnotized again.

Never let anyone control your mind. In her day, medical hypnosis was often called "mind cure", In 1902 she wrote: "The 'mind cure is a satanic science. Already you have gone far enough in it to endanger seriously your future experience." 26 Thus hypnosis is dangerous both to the one who uses it as well as to the one it is used upon!

“Men and women are not to study the science of how to take captive the minds of those who associate with them. This is the science that Satan teaches. We are to resist everything of the kind. We are not to tamper with mesmerism and hypnotism—the science of the one who lost his first estate, and was cast out of heaven." 27

Although not often perceived, psychology and psychiatry are partially linked to the principles upon, which hypnosis operates: strong mental suggestion, separate from Christian experience and Biblical counsels.

“In these days when skepticism and infidelity so often appear in a scientific garb, we need to be guarded on every hand. Through this means our great adversary [Satan] is deceiving thousands, and leading them captive according to his will. The advantage he takes of the sciences, sciences which pertain to the human mind, is tremendous. Here, serpent like, he imperceptibly creeps in to corrupt the work of God. This entering in of Satan through the sciences is well devised. Through the channel of phrenology, psychology, and mesmerism [hypnotism], he comes more directly to the people of this generation, and works with that power which is to characterize his efforts near the close of probation." 28

It has not been until very recently that research scientists have fully grasped the dangers to be found in medical and non-medical hypnosis. A weakening of the ability to resist immoral and incorrect suggestions has been noted. The scientist, J. A. Whieldon, M.D., presented a paper at the Institute of Mental Hygiene, meeting in Worthington, Ohio, on November 12-15, 1956: "Psychic hypnosis is . . in many instances a harmful procedure which can in reality undo the very thing those in psychotherapy are trying to most to accomplish, the growth of the individual to emotional independence and personal responsibility. . Often the men who use hypnosis have an unconscious need to dominate—to exert themselves over others, doing hypnosis often is little more than satisfaction of a person's narcissism. Psychic hypnosis is, then, an understandable phenomenon and can be performed because all people are suggestible. Hypnosis does not cure—and actually may be dangerous" or a hindrance to the recovery of the patient." 29 Floyd L. Ruch, writing in "Psychology and Life," commented: "Hypnotic suggestion. . removes the danger signal of pain without curing the organic disease." 30 Interestingly enough, not much more is known about how hypnosis operates than when Dr. Mesmer first introduced to the medical world two centuries ago. 31 But practicing spiritualists recognize it to be an occult science used in devil worship.


Ellen White recommended raised (leavened) and unleavened bread. But she specified that, if yeast was used, the loaves should be small, well baked—so that the leaven would be entirely killed before it was eaten. "Bread should be light and sweet. Not the least taint of sourness should be tolerated. The loaves should be small, and so thoroughly baked that, so far as possible, the yeast germs shall be destroyed." 32

What a strange idea! Why would it matter whether the yeast germs were killed before the bread was eaten? As late as the 1930's, the use of live bread yeast was recommended by nutritionists for the B vitamins it contained. Back in those days, people were urged to eat a cake of baker's yeast every day. But now it is known that the live yeast cells are capable of passing through the acid in the stomach and making yeast growths within the intestines. Bogert's book, "Nutrition and Physical Fitness," is a standard college nutrition textbook. Here is what we know now: "Live yeast cells. . take up B vitamins from the food material in the intestine, thus making them unavailable for the body. If the effect of B vitamins in combating; constipation is desired, it is better to take dried [killed] brewer's yeast or wheat germ." 33

It should be mentioned here that powdered or flaked "nutritional yeast" (brewer's yeast) which you purchase in a health food store is now used as a source of the vitamin B complex. Nutritional (Brewer's) yeast is composed of dead yeast cells.


Writing about the human body, Ellen White Wrote: "Whatever disturbs the circulation of the electric currents in the nervous system lessens the strength of the vital powers, and the result is a deadening of the sensibilities of the mind." 34 "This class [physical laborers who use the brain powers very little] fall more readily if attacked by disease; the system is vitalized by the electrical force of the brain to resist disease." 35 It was in the year 1929 that Hans Berger, a German psychiatrist, first published a series of irregular curved lines. "In the quarter of a century since then the study of his little wavy lines has grown into a new department of science called electro-encephalography. Today several hundred laboratories in the United States, and a similar number in Europe are recording and interpreting charts of the electrical discharges of human brains. Their total annual output of charts would girdle the earth." 36 It was not until five years., after Berger first announced his discovery that Charles Mayo, M.D. of the Mayo Clinic, first supported his discovery. Now we know that "the little wavy lines." reveal the activity of the micro-electrical generators within our nervous systems." "These wonderful waves exist in the human body, and are the vital-force of the heart and the nerves." 37

But Ellen White also wrote about electricity within plants: "There is life in the seed, there is power in the soil; but unless an infinite power [the power of God] is exercised day and night, the seed will yield no returns. The showers of rain must refresh the thirsty field; the sun must impart warmth; electricity must be conveyed to the buried seed. The life, which the Creator has implanted, He alone can call forth. Every seed grows, every plant develops, by the power of God." 38 She said that in the year 1900. In 1959, Dr. H. S. Burr of Yale University, in a symposium held at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, was quoted as saying: "Periodic, predictable electrical rhythms exist not only in humans but in trees arid other forms of life. . Dr. Burr . . said the vigor and growth rate of plants already have been successfully predicted by measurement of the electricity in cotton seeds." 39 It was for reasons that included this, that she strongly urged the eating of plant foods, for in so doing we eat living tissue with the electricity still in it. The eating of animals as food is the eating of dead food.


We have noted but a very few of the scientific insights that were given to Ellen White. Many more could be mentioned; enough in fact to quite fill this book. For example: Cancer is caused by a germ, and can be contracted in a number of specified ways that many are not aware of. Children are not physically and nervously ready to begin formal schooling until the age of eight to ten. Dangerous effects of X-Rays. Salt must only be used in very moderate amounts, but it should not be entirely discarded. The use of coffee and tea is responsible for a number of otherwise unexplained illnesses. The mind as both a causative and preventative factor in disease and illness. The close relationship between the use of too much sugar and a liability to disease. The damage that alcohol has on the brain. The relation of harmful drugs to birth defects. The close interrelationships between mind and body in a number of significant ways.

Concepts such as these, with their ramifications, hardly grasped a hundred years ago, are only now beginning to be explored scientifically.

David Paulson, M.D., about the year 1913, reported a conversation that he had with Dr. John Harvey Kellogg a number of years earlier. Introductory to the following statement, it should be mentioned that in the late nineteenth century, John H. Kellogg, M.D., was recognized as a world leader in several areas of medical practice:

"Dr. Kellogg asked me in New York City twenty-two years ago if I knew how it was that the Battle Creek Sanitarium was able to keep five years ahead of the medical profession. I did not know. Then he told me.

"He said when a new thing is brought out in the medical world, he knew from his knowledge of the spirit of prophecy [the writings of Ellen White] whether, it belonged in our system or not If it did, he instantly adopted it and advertised it while the rest of the doctors were slowly feeling their way, and when they finally adopted it he had five years the start on them.

"On the other hand when the medical profession were swept off their feet by some new fad, if it did not fit the light we had received he simply did not touch it. When the doctors finally discovered their mistake, they wondered how it came that Dr. Kellogg did not get caught" Document File 45, referred to by Richard A. Schaefer in "Legacy," page 60.

1. EGW, Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 393-394.

2. Ibid.

3. EGW, Testimonies, Volume 2, page 61.,

4. W. Dock, M.D., "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," Volume 5, pages 674-675. (1957).

5. Meat: EGW, Counsels On Diet and Foods, pages 373-418. Butter:

EGW; Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 349-353. Grease: EGW, Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 353-355.

6. W. A. Thomas, M.D., in "Journal of the American Medical Assoc­iation," June 3, 1961, page 783.

7. "Medical World News," November 22,1963, page 57.

8. EGW, Adventist Home, pages 255-259.

9. EGW, Ministry of Healing, pages 372-373.

10. EGW, Testimonies, Volume 2, pages 382-383. n. Dr. Ashley Montagu, "Ladies Home Journal," February, 1954, page 43."

12. Dr. Lyon P. Strean and Dr. Lyndon A. Peer, "Time," September 17,1956.

13. Leland H. Scott, Child Development: An Individual Longhudinal Approach, pages 371-372. 1967.

14. Associated Press news release, dated June 3, 1953, under the title, "Unborn Baby May be 'Marked' by Mother's Emotions."

15. Dr. Ashley Montagu, "Ladies Home Journal, "February, 1954, page 43.

16. Dr. Jesse D. Rising, "Drugging" During Pregnancy,” in "Time,” October 27,1958.

17. Ibid.

18. Thomas M Rivers, "Radiation, Strong Drugs and Alcohol," in "The National Foundation.".

19. EGW, How to Live, page 62. (1865) (Republished in Selected Messages, Book 2, page 462."

20. EGW, Ministry of Healing, page 276.

21. Ibid.

22. EGW, Ministry of Healing, page 274.

23. Dr. Lawrence P. Garrod; in "British Medical Journal," 1 :247. (1944)

24. Ibid.

25. EGW, Medical Ministry, 113-116.

26. EGW, Selected Messages, Book 2, pages 349-351. (1902)

27. EGW, Medical Ministry, 110-111 (1905).

28. EGW, "Signs of the Times," November 6, 1.884 (Selected Mes­sages, Book 2: pages 351-352).

29. J.A. Whieldon, M.D., "The Peril of Hypnosis," a paper presented at the Institute of Mental Hygiene, Worthington, Ohio, November 12-15,1956.

30, Floyd l. Ruch, Psychology and Life, 1948, page 516.

31. "Journal of the A.M.A.," June 16,1962, Volume 180, November 11

32. EGW, The Ministry of Healing, page 301 (1905)

33. L. Jean Bogert, Nutrition and Physical Fitness, 7th edition page 406.

34. EGW, Testimonies, Volume 2, page 347. (Also in Education, page 209.)

35. EGW, Testimonies, Volume 3, page 157.

36. "The Scientific American," June, 1954, page 54.

37. Ernst Weber, President.' Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, New York, quoted in "This Week," December 30, 1962.

38. EGW, Christ's Object Lessons, page 63. (1900)

39. Dr. H.S. Burr, quoted at symposium, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg Virginia, November 22, 1959. Quoted in Washington "Post," November 22,1959, page A-1.  

Next Chapter: